stock-photo-bored-business-couple-having-1086457-982270-edited.pngWorldwide, the percentage of adults who are employed full-time and are engaged at work is just 15 percent, according a preview of Gallup’s latest State of the Global Workplace report.

Engagement levels vary considerably by region; however, the proportion of employed residents who are engaged doesn’t exceed approximately four in 10 in any country.

In virtually all regions, employee engagement levels are generally lower in industries characterized by more routine-oriented jobs, such as manufacturing and production — an outcome Gallup attributes to the industries’ conventional process-ahead-of-people management mentality.

Management styles may also have influenced some of the other engagement results, regardless of industry, according to the report. The proportion of employees who are engaged at work in Western Europe, for example, one of the world’s most economically developed regions, is just 10 percent, which is lower than the global average.

The findings also suggested that employees who use their individual strengths in their job are more likely than others to be intrinsically motivated by their work — and at the workgroup level, team members who know each other’s strengths relate more effectively to one another, which can help increase group cohesion.

To access the overview of the soon-to-be-released Gallup report, visit the analytics provider’s website.