The Role of Consulting in Talent Acquisition and Management - Talent Intelligence

With 2023 set to be another candidate-driven market, talent acquisition and management has never been more important to your organization’s success. Talent acquisition and performance management covers a wide range of training and career management activities centered in an organization’s HRM offering. Obtaining outside talent acquisition services empowers an organization to nurture and direct inside talent in alignment with its strategic and long-term goals. It also supports and strengthens external talent acquisition and recruitment. 

Why use an outside consulting firm? 

Enlisting external talent acquisition consulting offers speed and cost efficiency and opens access to harder to reach pockets of the candidate market. An external talent acquisition consulting firm will build a pool of prospective candidates, offering analysis, plans, and strategies to find the best person for any role. They will conduct behavioral interviews to screen potential candidates – analyzing crucial skills and determining whether someone is a good cultural fit for your organization. A specialist external firm can provide the full gamut of services: 

  • It will analyze the gap between an organization’s talent availability and its talent need 
  • It will build strategies to fill this gap  
  • It will measure the effectiveness of these strategies over time and regroup where necessary 

Looking at internal talent 

The first stage of talent acquisition and management is to look inside an organization to assess potentials for development and promotion of existing employees to fill present and upcoming roles. This is why succession planning within an organization is so crucial. An external talent acquisition consulting firm will help identify and develop these employees. Talent acquisition consulting also involves: 

  • Developing performance management and career management plans 
  • Benchmarking talent  
  • Leadership development programs 
  • Training programs in areas like team building 
  • Individual coaching and guidance 

Talent acquisition services for external recruitment 

Market analysis and making a plan 

An external talent acquisition consulting firm can help an organization align business objectives with the right talent management solutions. This involves understanding your brand and how your organization falls in with your market competitors. When this analysis has been done it’s time to make a plan – something the talent acquisition consulting firm can take the lead on. In this way, talent acquisition services move beyond simple recruitment to broader business and brand focus. 

Building your employer brand 

Your employer brand is central to successful talent acquisition and recruitment. It is prospective candidates’ first introduction to your organization. A positive employer brand can do wonders to attract top talent in your industry. At the same time, a negative employer brand could alienate your dream candidate from the outset. This is an area where talent acquisition consultancy can provide an expert, impartial assessment and devise an action plan to turn things around. 

Building talent pipelines 

Running a dedicated research team, the external talent acquisition consultancy will build relationships with potential candidates, assessing their suitability for current and future roles. They will directly address any concerns or preconceptions prospective candidates may have about your organization. They will also work with your internal HRM to address these concerns with a candidate during the recruitment process. Talent acquisition services do not just fulfil immediate recruitment needs – talent acquisition and management means building a continuous supply of new talent. And the only way to do this is to build talent pipelines working from brand awareness to hiring.  

Building relationships with prospective talent 

An external firm has the time and resources that internal HRM simply doesn’t have to build relationships with prospective candidates. It is here that any negative brand connotations can first be identified and addressed. The external talent acquisition consultancy can then relay back any concerns prospective candidates have about the role or organization back to your HRM. These concerns can then be addressed during the recruitment process. 

The Recruitment Process - Talent Intelligence

The Recruitment Process 

An external talent acquisition consultancy can provide a variety of services during the recruitment process itself – from shortlisting, to interviewing to onboarding. When you add up factors like lowering team morale, damaging overall performance and driving good people away – hiring the wrong person is an expensive business. External talent acquisition support can help your company identify and correct any baked in recruitment practices that are working against you. As productivity goes up, and staff turnover goes down as a result, this is a service that will pay for itself. 

Are Talent Intelligence the Talent Acquisition Consultants for You? 

A good recruitment process means having carefully thought-out practices at every step of the way. Good talent acquisition solutions mean a lot more than this. They cover all aspects of talent acquisition and management, both internally and externally. 

If there is an issue somewhere within your processes, external talent acquisition support can help you pinpoint it before building and enacting a plan to rectify it. Here at Talent Intelligence, we can offer full-service support related to talent acquisition, from talent sourcing, to recruitment, to analytics. Get in touch today, to find out how we can help!