govt-employee-happy-sad.pngGood benefits and job security top the list of public sector employees’ motivations for finding and staying at their position, according to a new report from the International Public Management Association for Human Resources.

Insufficient career advancement and development opportunities, supervisor relationships and compensation were the top reasons public sector employees leave public sector employment.

Generationally, government employees cited different aspects of public sector employment as being most important. Millennials and Gen X workers, for example, rated work-life balance highly. Baby boomers placed more of an emphasis on benefits and long-term retention.

Different generations also had varied opinions about career development opportunities in the workplace. Millennials want to believe their organization is committed to their development. Gen X workers placed a strong emphasis on public sector employers providing training and self-improvement. Baby boomers, on the other hand, ranked training and skills development as having a low importance.

For more on IPMA-HR’s findings, view the 2016 Cross-Generational Benchmarking Report executive report.