stock-photo-business-people-and-technolo-1577617-706014-edited.pngUnspoken workplace expectations often pressure workers to adopt a less-than-balanced lifestyle — and can damage employee productivity and engagement, according to new research.

A survey of more than 1,000 office employees found 78 percent believe working more hours is at least moderately important to get promoted. Only one-third of respondents are encouraged by their employer to take paid time off.

The resulting burnout can have an impact on operations. On average, employees spend up to 77 minutes per day watching non-work-related TV or online videos while at work.

Although some employees manage workplace stress with yoga, exercise or meditation (30 percent), others turn to substances for relief. Thirty-four percent try to alleviate stress with caffeine; sugar, alcohol, anti-anxiety medications and sleeping pills are other popular choices.

Forty-four percent of employees leave their computers off or at work to enjoy off-duty time; 21 percent leave their work devices on, but place them in another room to manage workplace stress when at home.

For more on the impact workplace expectations can have on employee productivity and morale, and additional general information about the survey, which was conducted by Bridge by Instructure, click here.