Investing in team building may be more effective than a raise. Find out why. 

stock-photo-portrait-of-young-asian-empl-2494738-316973-edited.pngPositive relationships — more so than money — and a strong company culture can influence employee loyalty, according to a new report on retaining top talent.

The report, released by Ceridian, found high-performing employees are more likely to be employed at companies with clear values; and they’re more likely to know their organization’s business goals than other workers.

To hold on to a high-performer, a company may want to consider investing in training and other types of instruction. Ninety-one percent of high-performing employees said they feel learning and development opportunities are important.

The research also showed an engaging work culture — measured by positive relationships with managers and colleagues, in addition to other factors — can convince a high-performer to remain at an organization.

Nearly half of all high-performing employees (49 percent) listed coworkers as a reason to stay, ranking it as slightly more important than salary (48 percent).

Forty-seven percent of high-performing employees cited interesting work as a reason to remain with an employer. Good working conditions and job security were also highly ranked job satisfaction elements.

For more on the report’s findings about employee loyalty and retaining top talent, view this information from Ceridian.