annoying-coworker-behavior.pngCFOs despise coworkers failing to pay attention to detail and doing sloppy work the most — but fewer financial executives find it annoying than five years ago, according to newly released survey results.

Gossiping and engaging in office politics was ranked the second most annoying coworker behavior in the survey, which was conducted in 2016. Five percent more CFOs (28 percent) singled those actions out, compared to the amount who chose them as the most irritating behavior in a 2011 survey.

Missing deadlines procured the third spot on the list, with 17 percent of CFOs naming it as their top annoyance, compared to 18 percent five years ago. The same amount of financial executives — 12 percent — are still peeved by coworkers who are perpetually late.

For more on the annoying coworker behavior survey, view this infographic and explanation from Accountemps.