freelancer-worker-creative.pngThe amount of freelance workers in the U.S. grew by two million — from 53 million in 2014 to 55 million in 2016 — and currently represents 35 percent of the country’s workforce.

The number of individuals who have chosen to work as a freelancer increased by 10 percent. In 2014, 53 percent of freelance workers said they were independent contractors by choice. As of 2016, 63 percent said they started to work as a freelancer because they wanted to, instead of making the change due to necessity.

The majority cited the security of having a diversified portfolio of clients, compared to one employer, as a contributing factor.

The announcement about the survey, commissioned by Upwork and Freelancers Union, provides additional information on what it’s like to work as a freelancer in the U.S.

If your organization is considering utilizing part-time help or increasing the amount of freelance workers it gives assignments to, our blog post on instituting teleworking and flexible schedules can help you set up a successful program.