A new survey suggests work-life balance is extremely important to jobseekers

Could Flexible Work Schedules Attract Candidates? -  Talent IntelligenceNinety-five percent of the employees who participated in a recent global study said work-life balance is something they consider when searching for a job — and more than half would move to another company for greater flexibility in when and where they work.

Employees value flexible work schedules so much that 40 percent are willing to take on a greater workload in exchange for it.

Nearly a quarter (24 percent) say they’d give up company benefits; 18 percent would take a pay cut or demotion for more flexibility.

The ability to work at the time and location they choose is important to 87 percent of workers; some, however, face challenges in regard to actually making that happen.

Forty-four percent believe executives don’t support flexible work schedules. Thirty-eight percent of workers say they don’t have the necessary technology to be able to work effectively outside of the office.

To find out what percentage of employees currently go into an office daily — and what type of work environment a growing number hope to have — read this report from Fuze.