Marking employees’ work anniversary and other achievements may help

samantha-hentosh-lR0f4PSt52s-unsplash-1Meaningful work is more important to workers in all age groups than a positive company culture, compensation, a supportive manager or being part of a fun team, according to a new survey involving employees in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Ireland.

Employees are also four times as likely to love their job when they have a sense of meaning and purpose at work.

Although more than half (51 percent) of the respondents said their last work anniversary wasn’t acknowledged, the survey results found employee appreciation efforts, being recognized at work frequently and informal check-ins with supervisors can play a large role in building connections and improving workers’ trust in senior leadership.

Workers who were recognized in the last month by companies that have been through a merger or acquisition in the last year were found to be nearly two times as likely to trust the leadership team as employees who haven’t ever been acknowledged for their work.

Employees who touch base with their manager at least weekly are more than two times as likely to trust their supervisor as workers who never check in with their manager — and are also five times less likely to be disengaged and nearly two times more likely to believe they’ll be able to grow within the organization.

For more about what employees value most — and how meaningful work might help influence retention — view this information from Workhuman.