tablet-smartphone-desktop-devices.pngNearly 60 percent of employers offer a formal Bring Your Own Device Policy—and 77 percent of companies expect smartphone use at work to increase over the next six to 12 months, according to a new survey from mobile platform and services provider Syntonic.

A few other key findings

  1. Seventy-nine percent of CEOs believe they should manage the BYOD program, yet 73 percent of CIOs and 51 percent of CFOs feel ownership should belong to IT or the CIO role.
  2. Sixty-nine percent of companies are actively reimbursing employees for work-related usage of their personal smartphone.
  3. Increasing productivity is one of the key drivers for implementing a BYOD policy for 43 percent of organizations
  4. Nearly a third of companies reported that one of the reasons they created a BYOD program was to better understand how personal smartphones and mobile applications are used within the company.

The survey also found that, on average, 68 percent of companies estimate employees use their smartphone at least four hours per week outside the office. Twenty percent estimate at least they are used at least eight hours per week.

With employees more accessible than ever, companies can struggle to provide an adequate work-life balance.

If connectivity is causing issues at your organization, consider these suggestions for limiting employee contact outside of the office as part of your BYOD policy and other ways you can uphold work-life balance boundaries.