Find out which country has the fastest hiring schedule

stock-photo-two-managers-mimicking-body--755684.pngThe time it takes to hire employees has, on a global level, risen this year by roughly a day to 23.7 days, compared to 22.5 days in 2016, according to a new study from Glassdoor.

The study found, partially due to differences in regional labor market regulations, the interview process — starting when a candidate submits an application and concluding when an offer or rejection letter is received — takes the longest in Brazil, France and Switzerland.

Hiring this year is taking an average of 39.6 days in Brazil. In France, the job candidate experience lasts for 38.9 days; in Switzerland, employers take 37.6 days to hire employees.

India, Israel and Romania have the shortest interview process timeframe. In Romania, hiring averages about 19.2 days; in Israel, it spans 16.9 and in India, companies hire employees in about 16.1 days.

For more on candidates’ experience interviewing for jobs in different countries and industries, view additional results from Glassdoor’s study.

Find out if your hiring time is too slow here – and, if it is, find out how big data can help improve your interview process for ideas on how to speed it up.